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About Us

Baku Chiropractic & Functional Medicine was recently founded by Dr. Skylar Baku to be a beacon of hope for Centennial and nearby areas. Beyond our highly successful, unique approach to achieving natural wellness, we genuinely care about each one of our patients. Our practice is committed to maintaining the health of those in good health and renewing the lives of those in need.

Do you or a loved one want to get better and stay better? We are more than happy to help! Learn more about how we could help you.

Get Back to Health

We believe with all of our hearts that better health begins with an understanding and acceptance of the principles of alternative healing. These principles are as follows:

  • We are all born with a divine intelligence, the intelligence to self-regulate and self-heal.
  • The body should be maintained and healed as naturally as possible.
  • When love and skill are combined, masterpieces are created.

You can get back to health without drugs or surgery. Your body is capable of healing, and all you have to do is believe it to get the ball rolling.

We Take Care of Everyone

At Baku Chiropractic & Functional Medicine, we provide care for all. Our gentle, individualized approach to care allows us to care for people of all ages and conditions. To best serve our patients, we evaluate the physical, emotional, and chemical stressors that play a role in their overall well-being. Whether you are young or old, active or sedentary, we have a place for you.

Get Started Today

Why wait to take advantage of holistic health care? You deserve to live comfortably and happily. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you move closer to complete health.

Contact our chiropractic office to get started on your health journey! Be sure to ask about our new patient special. Same-day appointments are available on a need-be basis.

About Baku Chiropractic & Functional Medicine | (720) 998-7956

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